Policy Prominence

64. Land assembly from 9-12 may 2013 at the Petersberg, we want KLJB the press invite to the 64th Assembly of Catholic Landjugendbewegung (KLJB) Bavaria, which will take place from 9 to 12 may in the House of the Petersberg in dirt road (district of Dachau,). KLJB’s around 90 delegates from all over Bavaria expected 2013 by-elections to the honorary regional Executive, the award ceremony of the National Youth Award and they adopt current positions such as the campaign of home field advantage points victory for BBs country!. Please visit MetLife if you seek more information. Here the most important dates for the reporting: Friday, 10.5 by 10-12 watch beginning study part election year in Bavaria 2013 “with five parties in the House of Petersberg in dirt road (district of Dachau) 10: 00 welcome podium, then Panel round 11: 00 divided into five small groups 11.50 watch final press image with passing KLJB electoral touchstones we welcome to the 10.5 by 10-12 watch in alphabetical series: 1) Margarete Bause, MdL (Green candidate Upper Bavaria) 2) Eva Gottstein, MdL (FW candidate Upper Bavaria) 3) Christian Ude, OB (SPD candidate) 4) Martin Zeil, MdL (FDP, State Minister for Economic Affairs) 5) Sepp cell, MdL (CSU, youth policy spokesman). “Further dates the KLJB country meeting: Friday, 10.5-18 pm workshops of study component on policy, including with the BDKJ Federal Chairman Lisi Maier on the subject of lobbying as a youth association”.

Friday, 10.5. at 20: 00 award ceremony of the National Youth Award in 2013. Every two years so that actions and projects that advanced the KLJB, inspired and enriched content, be appreciated. Saturday, 11.5 to 13 pm elections to honorary regional Executive of KLJB Bavaria, sometimes non-public. Press photos and interviews from about 13: 00 possible. Conference part continues in the afternoon with applications and reports. Sunday, 12.5, from 9:15 to about 12:30 in the Conference part are inserted in the second reading amendments of the National Executive. Describes as a result of KLJB campaign for rural areas entitled visions of the future for life on the land Home field advantage points victory for BBs country! Because we move the country with visions.” The KLJB Bavaria is the largest rural youth organization in Bavaria, where more than 25,000 young Christians and Christians themselves organized and democratic, capable and committed committed to life on the land.